The Sanhedrin
October 6, 2016
October 20, 2016Do you know that in all these years, after all the miracles and the healings, both the Master’s and ours, the Sanhedrin, this august body of scholars and record-keepers, has never put in writing any denial of the miracles and healings? Please understand these men were prolific writers. They wrote everything down.
They had scribes and priests constantly writing about the history of our nation, as well as their interpretation of the Law and other doctrinal issues. But they never once produced any writing disputing all the miracles – not even about Lazarus being raised from the dead.
Why do you think they didn’t? Think about it: they had every motivation to actively discredit us. I can tell you plainly why: they couldn’t. Too many people had seen the miracles. Too many people were eyewitnesses. Does this help strengthen your faith? I hope so, because it should. If the Jews could have denied the miracles you can be certain they would have. But with so many witnesses, eyewitnesses mind you, still living, they simply could not dispute the miracles.
Not one of them.
Perhaps when you waiver in your trust – because your feelings are taking over – you can just remember these facts about the miracles, and the undeniable fact that they were never denied.
These powerful men of the Sanhedrin had good reason to be afraid, too. Here were twelve men proclaiming a dead man was alive– a man they had had executed. We were proclaiming the old ways were over – a new life, new wine skins, a new Kingdom among us is now open to all who surrender their Self, and place their trust in Jesus.
Surrender was one thing this group of important and privileged men would have no part of. Surrender to what – to whom? A crucified itinerant Galilean? Don’t be ridiculous. But the sad truth was these men would not have surrendered to God Almighty if he had knocked them over with a blinding light. They would work for God – or in their minds work with him – but surrender to him, not a chance.
Have you surrendered? Truly?
As I write this I am watching this same dynamic play out in Rome. It is a familiar story: a new Way appears; it threatens the old, comfortable way. The established establishment cannot possible tolerate any change. So they fight back with the weapons of the world. They must control the outcome because they abhor uncertainty. They fear uncertainty.
Why do they fear it? Because they might not get their way. The outcome they must have – at all costs – is not guaranteed. People who still operate in their own kingdom must control the outcome – and therefore everyone around them.
As a follower of the Master, I have learned to embrace uncertainty. I am not certain of what will happen next, but I am certain of my Father. And I am certain of his character. I have learned through the Spirit to view uncertainty with a sense of anticipation. I don’t know exactly what God is going to do, but I know it will be immeasurably, abundantly more than anything I could ask or imagine.
I can now relax and even embrace uncertainty.
So I don’t ask why or how or what about; I just seek. As the Master said so many times, “I am not here to do my will, but the will of my Father.” And so am I. So I seek his Kingdom and his righteousness, knowing all these things will be handled and taken care of by my gracious and loving Father. Even threatening uncertainty like the one coming our way right now.