
April 6, 2017
Old Friends
April 13, 2017Sunday
- Triumphal Entry – Mt 21:1-11
- Jesus clears the temple – Mt 21:12-13
- Authority challenged in the temple – Mt 21:23-27
- Jesus teaches and confronts the Jewish leaders – Mt 21:28-23:39
- Greeks ask to see Jesus – John 12:20-26
- The Olivet Discourse – Mt 24-25
- Mary washes Jesus’ feet with perfume – Mt 26:6-13**
- Judas agrees to betray Jesus – Mt 26:14-16
- Bible does not address. Probably stayed in Bethany with disciples
- **Or possibly Mary washes Jesus’s feet – Mt 26:6-13
- The Last Supper – Mt 26:26-29; Mk 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20
- Jesus speaks to disciples in the Upper Room – John 13-17
- Jesus struggles in Gethsemane – Mt 26:36-46
- Jesus is arrested – Mt 26:47-56
- Trial by Jewish and Roman authorities, Denied by Peter – Mt 26:57-27:2 & 27:11-31
- Crucified – Mt:31-56
- The Resurrection – Mt 28:1-10
Note: Many of the actual times of these events are not recorded in Scripture. The timeline represents an approximate sequence of events.
6 a.m. Jesus Stands Trial Before Pilate
(Matthew 27:11-14; Mark 15:2-5; Luke 23:1-5; John 18:28-37)
- Jesus Sent to Herod
(Luke 23:6-12)
7 a.m. Jesus Returned to Pilate
(Luke 23:11)
- Jesus is Sentenced to Death
(Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:23-24; John 19:16)
8 a.m. Jesus is Led Away to Calvary
(Matthew 27:32-34; Mark 15:21-24; Luke 23:26-31; John 19:16-17)
The Crucifixion
9 a.m. – “The Third Hour” Jesus is Crucified on the Cross
Mark 15: 25 – It was the third hour when they crucified him. (NIV). The third hour in Jewish time would have been 9 a.m.
Luke 23:34 – Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (NIV)
The Soldiers Cast Lots for Jesus’ Clothing
(Mark 15:24)
10 a.m. Jesus is Insulted and Mocked
Matthew 27:39-40 – And the people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery. “So! You can destroy the Temple and build it again in three days, can you? Well then, if you are the Son of God, save yourself and come down from the cross!” (NLT)
Mark 15:31 – The leading priests and teachers of religious law also mocked Jesus. “He saved others,” they scoffed, “but he can’t save himself!” (NLT)
Luke 23:36-37 – The soldiers mocked him, too, by offering him a drink of sour wine. They called out to him, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” (NLT)
Luke 23:39 – One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” (NIV)
11 a.m. Jesus and the Criminal
Luke 23:40-43 – But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”(NIV)
Jesus Speaks to Mary and John
John 19:26-27 – When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Woman, he is your son.” And he said to this disciple, “She is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home. (NLT)
Noon – “The Sixth Hour” Darkness Covers the Land
Mark 15:33 – At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour. (NLT)
1 p.m. Jesus Cries Out to the Father
Matthew 27:46 – And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”(NKJV)
Jesus is Thirsty
John 19:28-29 – Jesus knew that everything was now finished, and to fulfill the Scriptures he said, “I am thirsty.”A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips. (NLT)
2 p.m. It is Finished
John 19:30a – When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” (NLT)
Luke 23:46 – Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. (NIV)
3 p.m. – “The Ninth Hour” Jesus’ body dies
A Chronology of the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus
I. Journey to the Cross
A. Abuse by soldiers concluded and Jesus re-clothed and forced to carry His cross toward Golgotha [Mt 27:31-32; Mk15:20; Jn 19:17]
B. Simon of Cyrene forced to carry Jesus’ cross [Lk 23:26; Mk15:21 Mt 27:32]
C. Jesus preaches to women who follow Him mourning [Lk 23:27-32]
D. Arrival at Golgotha (“place of the skull”) [Mt 27:33; Mk 15:22; Lk 23:33]
E. Jesus refuses the sedating wine [Mt 27:34; Mk 15:23]
II. The First Three Hours of His Crucifixion [9:00 AM – Noon Friday]
A. Jesus nailed to a cross set between two criminals [Lk 23:33b; Jn 19:18] SAYING: “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” [Lk 23:34]
C. His clothes divided among Roman soldiers [Mt 27:35-36; Mk 15:24; Lk 23:34b; Jn 19:20-23]
D. Note about Pilate’s tri-lingual sign over cross: “King of the Jews” [Mt 27:37-38; Mk 15:25-28; Lk 23:38; Jn 19:19-22]
E. Mocking while on the cross: Passersby: “Destroy temple? Save yourself!” RL: “Saved others? Cannot save self! Come down!” Soldiers: “King of Jews? Save yourself! Robbers: “You are the Christ? Save us and you!” [Mt 27:39-44; Mk15:29-32; Lk 23:35-37]
F. Later repentance and salvation of one robber [Lk 23:39-43] SAYING: “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
G. Care for His mother entrusted to John [Jn 19:25-27] SAYING: “Woman, behold your son! Behold your mother!”
III. The Final Three Hours on the Cross [Noon – 3:00 PM Friday]
A. Supernatural darkness falls over the land (apparently instills silence into the scene for the three hours) [Mt 27:45; Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44-45]
B. SAYING (near end of three hours): “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” [Mt 27:46; Mk 15:34]
C. SAYING: “I am thirsty.” [Jn 19:28]
D. Jesus drinks sour wine (different from drugged wine offered earlier) [Mt 27:47-49; Mk 15:35-36; Jn 19:29-30]
E. SAYING: “It is finished.” [Jn 19:30b]
F. SAYING: (with a loud voice) “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” [Mt 27:50; Mk 15:37; Lk 23:46]
G. Jesus gives up His spirit and dies. [Mt 27:50; Mk 15:37; Lk 23:46; Jn 19:30c]
IV: Reactions to Jesus’ Death
A. Physical: earthquake, veil torn, tombs opened. [Mt 27:51-53; Mk 15:38; Lk 23:45]
B. Personal: Centurion: “Truly this was the Son of God!” Crowds: feel remorse. Disciples and women followers: look on. [Mt 27:54-56; Mk 15:39-41; Lk 23:47-49]
V. Burial of Jesus’ Body (between 3:00 – 6:00PM Friday)
A. Death confirmed by spear in side of lifeless body still on cross [Jn 19:31-37]
B. Joseph of Arimathea procures body of Jesus from Pilate [Mt 27:57-58; Mk 15:42-45; Lk 23:50-52]
C. Nicodemus assists Joseph in placing body in tomb [Jn 19:39] (done by 6:00PM Sabbath start)
D. Women watch where Jesus is placed [Mt 27:61; Mk 15:47; Lk 23:55-56]
E. RL set guard over tomb to ensure no body-snatching [Mt27:62-66]
The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
I. The Empty Tomb is Discovered (early Sunday morning – crack of dawn)
A. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome gather spices for burial and approach tomb [Mt 28:1; Mk 16:1]
B. An angel rolls away the stone from tomb entrance and sits on it – guards freeze like corpses! [Mt 28:2-4]
C. Women reach tomb at daybreak to find stone rolled away [Mk 16:2-4; Lk 24:1-2; Jn 20:1]
D. Angels tell women “He is risen” and command them to inform disciples [Mt 28:5-8; Mk 16:5-8; Lk 24:3-8]
E. Women tell 11 disciples of empty tomb and angelic message [Lk 24:9-12; Jn 20:2]
F. Mary Magdalene returns to empty tomb with Peter and John – Peter and John return home and leave Mary weeping in garden [Jn 20:3-10]
II. The Resurrection Day Appearances of Jesus (during Sunday)
A. Jesus appears to Mary (not the gardener!) [Jn 20:11-18]
B. Jesus appears to the other women [Mt 28:9-10]
C. Temple guard inform RL of angel and empty tomb, then are paid off to keep quiet about it [Mt 28:11-15]
D. Jesus appears to Cleopas and companion on road to Emmaus [Lk 24:13-22] (late afternoon)
E. Jesus appears to Peter [Lk 24:34; 1 Cor 15:5a]
F. Cleopas and companion meet with most of the other disciples and Jesus appears to them behind locked doors [Lk 24:36-43; Jn 20:19-23] (evening)
G. Thomas does not believe they have seen Jesus [Jn 20:24-25]
III. Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus (during 40 day period after Resurrection)
A. One week after resurrection day to Thomas and 10 other disciples; again behind locked doors [Jn 20:26-31; 1 Cor 15:5b]
B. To 7 of His disciples in Galilee an unknown number of days afterwards (“Peter, do you love Me?”) [Jn 21:1-25]
C. To the 11 on a mountain in Galilee (Great Commission) [Mt 28:16-20]
D. To 500 disciples at one time [1 Cor 15:6]
E. To His “brother” James [1 Cor 15:7]
F. Various other meetings with the 11 during the 40 day period after the Resurrection [Lk 24:44-49; Acts 1:3-8]
IV. The Ascension of Jesus (40th day after Resurrection)
A. Jesus leads 11 out to Mt of Olives (near Bethany) [Lk 24:50]
B. Jesus blesses 11 [Lk 24:51]
C. Jesus is lifted up into sky until “received” into cloud and disappears [Lk 24:51; Acts 1:9]
D. Two angels tell 11 to stop staring and start waiting for Jesus to return the same way He ascended [Acts 1:10-11]
E. 11 return to Jerusalem “with great joy… praising God… devoting themselves to prayer…” [Lk 24:52-53; Acts 1:12f]
V. The Coming of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost – 50 Days after Passover {i.e. Jesus’ death})
A. 11 and “the women” and Jesus’ mother (Mary) praying in Jerusalem [Acts 1:12-14]
B. Matthias chosen to replace Judas Iscariot who hanged himself [Acts 1:15-26]
C. 12 in one place on Day of Pentecost and Holy Spirit comes [Acts 2:1-13]
D. Peter preaches, revival occurs and the church begins to grow! [Acts 2:14-47]