The Empty Tomb: Okay, So What?
April 12, 2018
Jesus’ Course Correction: The Narrow Gate
April 26, 2018One thing I know about us humans is that we drift. We drift in our relationships, our careers, our exercise, and much more: “It’s been three weeks… months… years… since I __________” – and you easily can fill in the blank, I’m sure.
We drift in our weight: “I gained 10 pounds! Where did that come from?” We drift in our Bible reading, in our staying in touch with others, and in how many other ways?
And in all these areas, we will plateau, as well. We stop growing. We coast.
You drift. I drift. But don’t miss this: no one drifts toward the A-plus life to the full.
And, no matter our self-discipline or our drive, we will plateau. We will flatten out, get bored, or just lose our mojo.
Drifting and plateauing: a C- life for sure.
So we must be intentional about making periodic course corrections.
We are all on a journey. As you read this, you are hurtling at light speed along your future. The show-stopping question is this: “Is where you’re going where you want to be when you get there?” (Andy Stanley) In my line of work, I constantly see the results of ignoring this question: relationship debris and emotional shrapnel scattered everywhere. I’m often tempted to ask, “Did you not see that coming?” But then, I would first have to turn the mirror back on myself.
The remedy is to continue to take stock of our direction and make periodic course corrections to stop the drifting. Of course you’ve already tried to do this many times … in your own power… with the results being less than dazzling. Maybe you made some progress, only to flatten out again and plateau.
You may have even tried something radical like the “Sinner’s Prayer” for a major course correction. But it was for self-improvement, not surrender to the King. The Holy Spirit likely didn’t really get inside you.
Jesus had something to say about our need for these course corrections. He knows all too well about our drifting and plateauing, and he knows all too well about where we can end up if we don’t make the necessary course corrections. Jesus warned we are all drifting along the highway to destruction and we must change course. He alerts us to this danger with these words:
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matt. 7:13-14)
Only a few?
So Jesus sets out a course correction for us: the narrow gate. Have you entered through it? Are you sure?
Next week: The Narrow Gate: How to Find It?