What Amazing Trust!
June 21, 2018
Surrendering Your Throne
July 5, 2018When Jesus heard this [from the Centurion], he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great trust even in Israel.” Luke 7:9
Being in a men’s ministry, I often am witness to some very messy situations. I have the privilege to witness some men face these trials with confidence in their Father – anxious, yes, but they refuse to be overwhelmed with fear.
The Centurion and these friends face extreme circumstances in which they display extreme trust. Maybe you’ll be “lucky” enough not to be faced with such difficulty, but you can display this rock-solid trust even in the details of your everyday life, and it will be just as pleasing to God the Father.
We are all presented with an array of opportunities to trust, or instead to fear and worry. Little annoyances that don’t go our way. Bigger frustrations that upset our little worlds. Some very real. Some blown way out of proportion.
When the contract is delayed or even cancelled. When that repair bill is much higher than expected. When your husband or wife is not acting right. Or when your child is wandering.
Maybe it’s just that my incessant need for immediate gratification has been delayed.
Or, perhaps you just can’t see God moving and just can’t feel his presence. In these situations you can choose to react in fear or respond in faith…to worry or to trust. One is a path to peace; the other is an avenue to anxiety.
And even when you just try to trust, Jesus embraces your feeble attempts, just as he did with the distressed dad whose possessed son was flailing around in the fire.
When Jesus told the father, “I can do anything if you will just trust me,” he cried out, as I so often do, “I believe; help me with my unbelief!” Even this mere attempt to trust obviously amazed Jesus, and he responded immediately (Mark 9:24).
In extreme trials and challenges, and even in day-to-day irritations and problems, amazing an amazing Jesus with an unwavering trust leads to the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Start today. Right now. Wherever you are. Whatever you are facing, big or small…and say, “I’m ready to start trusting you, Jesus. But I need your help.”
Then get ready, because he will amaze you.