A Spiritual Inventory
January 12, 2023
The Disciples’ Prayer
January 25, 2023Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? —2 Cor. 13:5
Based on the above passage, as well as other scripture with the same message, we put together a Spiritual Inventory to review at the beginning of the year. The full inventory is below, should you be brave enough to take it. Or perhaps I should say, “If you are serious about going deeper into the Kingdom.”
As we did last week, today I will highlight just two.
I want my will, my way: 1 ————I accept God’s will ————–10 I want God’s will no matter what
Being a Christian is hard/a burden : 1——————–10 Being a Christian is empowering/enriching/fun
I put these two together because one leads to the other. If I want my will, my way, if I insist on my will, my way, then following Jesus will be hard, and certainly a burden. But if I want Jesus’ will, then being his disciple will indeed be empowering, enriching and fun.
My own progression, from wanting my will to wanting his will, is similar to yours, I am sure. But the question is, where are you on this spectrum?
Before I knew Jesus, yes, before I was born again, my will, my way was the only way I knew. Are you kidding? I built the kingdom of Sam on that mind and heart set. Even after I was born again I wanted my will, my way. I knew no other way. But after the “eyes of my heart”¹ began to slowly open, I began to see the typically-less-than-positive results that my will, my way rendered.
Oh sure, the kingdom of Sam had some big moments, but they turned out to be fleeting, and unfulfilling. Being a Christian was hard, it was a burden, not to mention tiring. So I soon began to accept that Jesus’ will was better, albeit somewhat begrudgingly. I accepted it as better, but I still did not particularly want it.
But as I grew, and went deeper into the Kingdom, it became obvious that his will, his way, even his timing, was always better – always! So I learned to surrender – key word here – surrender my will to his.
That process coincided with the fact that my following Jesus became more and more empowering, enriching and fun. Yes, even fun. Why wouldn’t it be? Jesus was, and can be for you a fun friend. Being a disciple of Jesus is a serious, purposeful and holy endeavor, but that is not all it is.
Jesus captured all this in his invitation to follow him:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30 Bold added)
The rest of the Inventory is below, and I strongly encourage you to watch this week’s and last week’s videos on the entire Inventory.
See our Vimeo channel at 721ministries.org or our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJj3hsuJyYVMsmvRdfG6sIg
¹Eph. 1:18
Spiritual Inventory
“Is where you are going where you want to be when you get there?” Andy Stanley
“If you want things to be different, you have to do things differently.”
On a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 = “I fully agree”
The A+ Life to the full is through Jesus, yes, but plus many other things: 1 ————————————-10
Surrender & “Dying to Self” is the key to the A+ Life to the full: 1——————————–10
I am living with the power of the Holy Spirit: 1 ————————————- 10 Not sure what it means
I often sense the Holy Spirit nudging me and speaking into me: 1———————————-10
I love to give money generously: 1———————————–10
My Schedule/busyness rules me: 1————————————10 My life is in balance
Joy (Joy: A pervasive sense of well-being) in my life: 1————————–10
Anxiety/worry is an issue for me: 1 ———————- 10 Peace/contentment rule my life
God is “God” to me: 1————————————-10 God is “my loving, dear Father” to me
Jesus has become my best friend & I talk with him often : 1——————————–10
To me Jesus is: quiet/serious/meek: 1———————10 To me Jesus is: personable/funny/dynamic
I prefer my will, my way: 1 ————I accept God’s will ————–10 I want God’s will no matter what
Being a Christian is hard/a burden : 1——————–10 Being a Christian empowering/enriching/fun
Prayer: Some/mostly distracted/only in trouble: 1———————-10 Enriching/Throughout day
I know & see God is involved in all the details of my life: 1——————————10
I can say with confidence, “Thank you now, Father, before I see the outcome”: 1———————10
My Spiritual* experience at my church is: Fulfilling/Alive/Kingdom Deepening 1 ————————-10
*(Not social experience)
I say I want to go deeper, but I am not digging nor surrendering: 1 ———————– 10
Reading the Bible is: Positive/Enriching: 1 —————————————– 10
Quiet Time daily: At least 1/2 hour: 1 ———————————-10
The Sabbath is like any other day except we go to church: 1——————————–10
I am 100% sure I am saved and going to Heaven: 1—————————–10