Secundus pondered this and said, “I remember your teaching about Jesus’ words, ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am […]
Andrew continued, “After we are born again, we now have a new power within us.” Secundus interrupted, “The Holy Spirit.” “Yes,” Andrew said, nodding, “And with this new power working in us, our heart starts to be transformed from our […]
Andrew laughed and responded with a friendly slap on Secundus’ back. “Growing up with Peter was quite an experience. I could tell you story after story of his successes and his failures. Actually, he would tell you the same stories […]
Secundus was finished with recounting the conversation with the two men, and turned to Andrew and said, “But since then, Andrew, I’ve thought a lot about that conversation. I am starting to see what those two older friends were saying […]