Last week we looked at various ‘markers’ we can use to help us see when we are drifting off course. The bottom line is that when you are feeling stress and anxiety – let’s call it what it is: fear, […]
A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. 5 In the paths of the wicked lie thorns and snares, but he who guards (Puts a guardrail of protection around) his soul stays far from them.”1 We […]
One thing I know about us humans, we drift and we plateau. We drift in our relationships, in our careers, in our exercise (It’s been 3 weeks/months/years since I …?), we drift in our weight (10 pounds! Where did that […]
I love to hike to the top of Tablerock. It is 3.6 miles to the top, with a vertical climb of 2000 feet. Not so easy. Along the way there are several rock plateaus that afford beautiful views, and one […]