Jesus’ response that night to me? “Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!” So after my blustery proclamation of “I will follow you […]
Why couldn’t I lay down my life for Jesus back then? Because I couldn’t even lay down, my own agenda, my own personal plans for Peter. I couldn’t even begin to lay down … Self. Why couldn’t I follow Jesus […]
Annas’ order to flog us sent a shiver down my spine. I knew the others were reeling, too. Annas ordered our flogging like it was a spanking for a child, but if you know anything about floggings, they are unspeakably […]
Okay, for all my skeptic friends I finally have found the error in scripture about which you’ve been complaining all these years. Of course, it’s not among the errors you erroneously talk about. But yes, I have finally found an […]