In Luke’s familiar story of Jesus’ birth we hear an announcement from the angel Gabriel about the peace Jesus will bring. But the all too familiar King James Version (KJV), the one we all grew up with at our infamous […]
If I asked you about Jesus’ sacrifice for us, you would immediately think of the cross. But have you thought about what an amazing sacrifice it was for him to leave Heaven and become one of us? The Apostle Paul crystalized […]
1515Through many dangers, toils and snares… we have already come. T’was Grace that brought us safe thus far… and Grace will lead us home. Are you a grateful person? I’m grateful for all God has done for me, and […]
We are moving towards Christmas and I want to pause, and think about how amazing this whole Jesus thing is. As we journey through life day to day we tend to get numbed by the morass of everyday living, and […]