September 2, 2013

Sabbath Rest: Rest, Renewal and Reverence

“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”  ― Augustine of Hippo, The Confessions of Saint Augustine I need more rest. You need more rest. Our culture needs more rest. […]
September 2, 2013

Master Money: Guarding Against Greed

“Watch out! Be on your guard (place a guardrail) against all kinds of greed…”1   We put guardrails up in the areas of our lives where we know we have a weakness. We put guardrails up to protect us from being mastered […]
September 2, 2013

Generous: God Loves a Cheerful Giver

I don’t want to be mastered by anything, especially money. So the only guardrail I have found against this potential slave driver is to give generously. And if you need another reason, God reminds us he loves a generous giver: […]
September 2, 2013

A Yard Sale of the Heart: Getting Rid of Hindrances

Do you have anything sitting in your attic or basement, or closet, you really don’t need? I have these boxes of stuff, and many other “things” I absolutely don’t need, and are just clogging up my house, as well as […]

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