The changes we make now, in the “Short Game” of our lives, i.e. the little things we change now, will bump our trajectory, and not just change us, but transform us into true followers and true disciples of Jesus. Hebrews […]
Like many of us, you may have a tendency to focus primarily on long-range and long-term things like attaining your career goals, getting a new venture started, or reaching your retirement goals. Yes, those things are important. Yet, it’s the […]
Where will you be in five years – what age? When I write my age down it is a tad sobering. And even more sobering is the question Andy Stanley poses: “Is where you are going where you want to […]
I was renovating houses when I turned forty-five. I sat myself down and asked the question, “Do I want to be doing this when I am sixty-five? Do I want to be chasing sheet rockers and tile men and listening […]