September 22, 2016
Do you see what God is telling us through Paul’s letter to the Corinthians? I, Peter, ‘the great Apostle,’ may appear to be someone special. Yes, I have the strong gift of the Spirit within me. But so do you, […]
September 15, 2016
1503A common trap for those of us living and working for the Master is that our plans might be good plans, but they are still our plans. Are you certain your plans are of the Spirit? Can I get you […]
September 8, 2016
We were growing both in number of converts and, more importantly, in the depth of these new Believers. But we didn’t care one bit about the increasing numbers. Well, let me say it another way: we didn’t need the validation […]
September 1, 2016
Imagine if you lived in Jesus’ real world, the one he describes with images of beautiful green pastures. Jesus describes what life in his very real Kingdom is like with his picture of a quiet and serene, nourishing pasture: “I […]
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