September 30, 2021
As we dive into the Sermon on the Mount it will be helpful to ask and answer a very specific question: Do you believe what Jesus believed?1 Notice I am not asking if you believe in Jesus. I am asking a […]
September 23, 2021
“Repent for the kingdom of heaven has come.” (Matthew 4:17) Last week we started a deep dive study into the Sermon on the Mount. I hope you will join us. I think you will see Jesus’ sermon in a fresh, new […]
September 16, 2021
This fall we are starting a deep dive study of the Sermon on the Mount. I hope you will join us. To get the full thrust I encourage you to watch the YouTube videos at The Sermon on the […]
September 9, 2021
Performance is fear-based. Obedience is love-based. Performance is about points, as in accumulating enough points to earn the rewards we deserve. Obedience is about pleasing, as in pleasing my Heavenly Father. As I have pondered my own transition from performance […]
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