April 14, 2020
I think we need a little levity these days, don’t you? So let’s have some fun. I am not as big a fan of Christian contemporary music as some, and even more so I like a particular era of music […]
April 8, 2020
Note from Sam: I have pieced together all the Gospel resurrection accounts to form a seamless narrative of what happened on Resurrection Sunday. This is an excerpt that I removed from our latest book, The Missing Link. It is written […]
April 3, 2020
Each year I try to follow Jesus’ movements throughout this, his final week. Especially from Thursday night through Friday, I try to follow closely what Jesus was going through. This helps me stay close to my best friend in his […]
March 25, 2020
You are and I are the same. I don’t have to know you personally to know this. Why – how? You are human. Our “minors” are different, but our ‘majors” are consistent. If you live in the United States I […]
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