October 23, 2019
For these past several weeks, I have been encouraging you to dig into your Bibles deeper by reading more—not reading for quantity but for quality. Now it is time to actually read! Will you join me as we begin with […]
October 16, 2019
Drinking Rat Poison and Waiting on the Rat to Die “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matt. 6:15) Is there someone in your life you struggle to forgive? Is there any […]
October 9, 2019
In everyone there is something of his fellow man … Hence, “Love your neighbor”—for he is really you yourself.” —Rabbi Moses Cordovero Last week, we introduced the idea of the rulebook and the playbook in sports. The rulebook is considered […]
October 2, 2019
In sports, there is the rulebook, and there is the playbook. The rule book is the list of all the things one cannot do. The rulebook does not list all the things one can do because that is practically limitless. […]
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