April 12, 2018
You may have already forgotten about Easter, and Jesus’ sacrifice for you on that horrible cross, but I haven’t. So …last week we examined the evidence for the empty tomb of Jesus. The fact that there is an empty […]
April 5, 2018
What is the most significant difference between Christianity and the other world religions? Clearly the most astounding, mind-boggling, unexplainable difference is the fact that there was and still is an empty tomb in Jerusalem. Can this little detail be ignored, […]
March 29, 2018
Easter is all about self. Actually the entire Biblical story is about self: the battle of self against God. Oh, you may think it’s about the battle between Satan and God, but Satan long ago realized his best strategy was […]
March 22, 2018
I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich […]
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